
Sunrise Vineyard

Land Rovers

Sauvignon Blanc

Tahoe Bottles


David, Robert Fin


Sunset Manuka



snow capped


Group Shot Ocean Bckgrnd

quad tour

Caverhill Farm - Our Sheep go for a Dip!

Caverhill Farm Sheep Dip
Our vineyard and winery crews are ramping up for harvest, but on our Caverhill Farm (960 hectares) Hamish our Farm Manager, and his team are taking our Corriedale sheep in for a "dip." The fungicide / insecticide solution the sheep are showered in helps protect them against infestation by flies and parasites. It's a vital step taken to protect the sheep and their wool prior to shearing.

Caverhill Farm Sheep Dip
Our vineyard and winery crews are ramping up for harvest, but on our Caverhill Farm (960 hectares) Hamish our Farm Manager, and his team are taking our Corriedale sheep in for a "dip." The fungicide / insecticide solution the sheep are showered in helps protect them against infestation by flies and parasites. It's a vital step taken to protect the sheep and their wool prior to shearing.


Name of the licence holder: Dionysus Ventures Limited
Licence number: 57/OFF/411/2023
Licence expiry date: 27 February 2025
Our Off Licence

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